
1:1 Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy Practitioners examine the power of whole foods and nutrients to restore and maintain health. We investigate how diet and lifestyle choices, past exposures, traumas, stress, and other factors have contributed to health disruptions or imbalances that keep you from feeling your best. When it comes to your health, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Recommendations are always tailored to each individual’s needs, lifestyle, activity level, goals, ancestry, etc. We strive to create a process that meets you where you are to effect change without adding additional stress.

As a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP), I may conduct a Functional Clinical Assessment (FCA)— an evaluation where I palpate different areas of the body for indications of stress and nutrient deficiencies. Acquiring your body’s feedback helps to further correlate our findings and determines specific dietary and supplement needs. This additional tool paints a more complete picture in order to create the best plan tailored for YOUR healing journey.


NTPs Don't

Program Steps

Step 1: Free Discovery Call (20min)

This is our introduction. I will start by asking you to tell me a little bit about yourself, your health symptoms, needs, and goals. Then, I’ll briefly share about myself and the consultation process. We will discuss expectations and finally, open the floor for any lingering questions you may have. Together we will determine whether nutritional therapy is a good fit for you.

Step 2: Comprehensive Intake (90min)

This is where the real fun begins. I will send a series of documents to be filled out prior to your appointment. (Please note, this appointment cannot be held until all requested paperwork is complete.) During the comprehensive intake, we will discuss any lingering questions or concerns followed by a review of my findings. Based on this information, we will develop the best action plan and protocol for you.

Protocols may include but are not limited to:

  • Customized food and lifestyle recommendation
  • Functional Clinical Assessment (in-person apts. only)
  • Supplement recommendation
  • Targeted resources such as meal ideas, shopping list, videos, books, articles, etc.Referrals when appropriate

All appointments include a 15-minute follow up call for additional support or alternatively email support.

Step 3: Follow-up Appt. (1hr)

Scheduled at a minimum of two weeks after the comprehensive intake, the follow-up appointment is designed to track your progress and determine if adjustments need to be made. We will follow up on previously reported symptoms and establish new goals to get you closer to your long-term goal.

Appt. may include but is not limited to:

  • Review of a new Food & Mood Journal or NAQ
  • Updated food, lifestyle and supplement recommendations
  • New resources
  • Referrals when appropriate

The best plan of care will also be determined at this appointment. This is determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration long-term goals, availability, financial commitment, among other factors. As with most things, change doesn’t happen overnight. Nutritional Therapy is an incremental process that takes time, and you only get out what you are willing to put into it.


Discovery Call

Sign-up for a FREE discovery call. Get your questions answered and explore if this program is a right fit for you. No commitments or obligations.

Full Package

In addition to the Free Discovery Call, this option includes one (1) Comprehensive Intake and two (2) Follow-up Appointments. Enrolling in a package offers the biggest discount and will more likely yield better results as it creates the space for longer accountability.



If you prefer the flexibility of pay as-you-go or want to add appointments to a package, we are happy to accommodate. Prices of individual appointments vary.